Real Estate Document Management

Chat With Your Real Estate Documents

DocTrack combines AI-powered chat with automated document management. Process emails automatically and instantly find answers in your documents, saving 1500+ hours annually.

DocTrack Interface

Built for Real Estate Workflows

Turn your email inbox from a chaotic document dump into an organized, automated document management system.

Automatic Email Processing

Automatically capture and organize email attachments based on your case numbers and custom rules.

Intelligent Filing System

Documents are automatically sorted into the right folders - IDs, financing, transaction documents, and more.

Real-time Document Tracking

Get instant notifications for missing documents and track the status of all client submissions.

AI Document Chat

Ask questions about your documents in natural language. Get instant, accurate answers powered by advanced AI.


How DocTrack Works

Simple, automated workflow for managing all your real estate documents.


Initial Setup

After client discussions, create a brokerage contract. A unique case number is generated for document tracking.


Document Request

Send an email to the client with the required document list. The case number is automatically included in the subject.


Smart Processing & Access

Documents are automatically processed and indexed. Chat with your documents to find exactly what you need, or browse the organized folder structure.


Status Tracking

Get notifications for missing documents. Track status in real-time. Access files instantly from your drive.

"Being able to chat with our documents has been game-changing. I can find specific clauses or details instantly without digging through files."

Experience Intelligent Document Management

Join real estate professionals who save time with automated filing and instant document insights through AI chat.